Current Project Condition

Current Project Condition

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Repent Now! The End is Near!

Well the forward controls arrived yesterday. Demons cycle in Pompano Beach has a bad reputation around the Harley forums but I have to say I am very pleased with them so far. I have gotten the tank a fender bracket and the forward controls from them. The bracket was a little slow to ship but the tank and controls shipped the same day and I got them the next day. That sure as hell beats waiting 5 or 6 days for my stuff to get here from Jireh!
Anyway, I took a chance on these forward controls. They were factory seconds that supposedly had some discoloration in the chrome. But they were like $20 dollars cheaper and, as you know, as sharp as this bike will be she is no trailer queen and will be ridden well and frequently so I don't really care if the chrome parts I put my boots on is off a bit. However I did notice one little spot on one where the chrome is wrinkled a bit and a small spot on the other that is a bit yellow it is nothing that is noticeable without some real scrutiny. A good deal in my opinion.

On the financial side of things I did some figuring last night at work, and not counting the seat, the paint, the exhaust and the welding I am $979 dollars away from being up and running. That is putting the speedometer and oil gauge on hold. After all I don't need them and skipping them and all the brackets and things that go with them save me a couple hundred bucks. If I put the speedo and oil gauge on the total will be $1201 dollars.

Almost there! I can smell the exhaust.I can hear the young girls squeak with joy, I can hear the wannabes whine, I can hear the old bitty next door complain already! Oh the joy, the rapture!Muuuuwwwwaaaahhhhh!

Sorry got a little out of hand there! But life is good. With the welding I am 2 paychecks away from the inaugural ride. As far as the seat goes I will ride without one while I figure out how to make one. Leather working, another skill I always wanted to acquire.

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