As some of you may remember from Friday or you may be hearing it for the first time here. I went out to a local Harley dealer this weekend to look at a 1996 Heritage Softail Classic with very low miles and a price almost 4k below blue book. I figured if it was a good deal I would buy it and either sell it for a profit or ride it until the project was almost done then sell it off cheap to let someone else catch a break. Well the bike had sold 3 days before I got there so it was probably gone the first night I saw it online." How can this be more upbeat Tom?" you ask. "This is almost as depressing as no one entering your contest" you say. I couldn't agree with you more. However, someone close to the whole deal decided to donate a part to the project. This great man and wonderful human being decided to donate a Ultima black and chrome right side drive transmission. Per this persons nature his name will not be disclosed as he would embarrass to easily. But a super
HUGE THANKS A MILLION goes out to this person.

If I can manage to pull off a belt drive for a birthday present to myself, I will have a complete drive line and will push the completion date up to July 4th! If you would like to assist me in this project the way underused, and feeling lonely, DONATE NOW button is still at the top of the page! Or there are always the
tshirts . Thanks again for your continued support and the opportunity to entertain and inform you as we go through this project together.
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