That's right the FFR the final frame rant. You guessed it after a short 7 weeks the frame is safely in my possession and is currently getting to know its power plant. I filed the aforementioned dispute at Ebay and left the seller negative feedback. So today he leaves me a nasty voice mail which is fine the message I left him yesterday wasn't any better. So after a brief conversation where he showed how little he knows about customer service, by serving up little jewels like telling me I am not the center of his universe and if the frame got lost in shipping it wasn't his problem and he did exactly what he was supposed to do, he gave me the tracking number and the number to the pack and ship store he uses to ship his frames. I called the shipping store and it turns out the frame was shipped to my billing address which is not the correct location. It is a vacant house. Well the rocket scientist of a ups man left the frame on a carport at a house w/no curtains on the windows, no furniture inside and a for rent sign in the yard. By some miracle my frame was indeed sitting on a carport in that shitty neighborhood for 10 days untouched. So on a final note of reality an honest mistake is a honest mistake but shipping a product 5 weeks late to the wrong location is not doing exactly what you were supposed to do by any stretch of the imagination.
Now onto the baby pictures

Look at that butt...Now that's PHAT!

And the two kids getting to know each other better......
Please for give the background in some of the pictures, like the vacuum and such but remember, I am in fact building this in my roommates living room:)
1 comment:
Man you really ARE a dumbfuck ( a self centered one too ).
I love the fact that Dan told you YOUR NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE... you needed to hear it. ive met your type in my own biz... youre the WORST KIND OF BUYER. DUMB AS FUCK AND FULL OF BLAME.
read their auction! I DID. here it is again copied WORD FOR WORD
Please realize that larger items such as frames, roller kits, power train components can be delayed up to 60 days ( usually during the busy seasons ) so please plan your builds & orders accordingly.
sounds like they held up thier end according to YOUR WORDS. I BET YOU JUST THOUGHT YOU COULD BULLY YOUR WAY TO THE FRONT by acting like a dick....
look at you. you talk all this shit and I would bet my life youve called these guys ENDLESSLY getting free advice and help and then you go and put up all this bullshit, I also bet you didnt have the right ship address in your ebay id..... what the fuck do you expect them to do? read your mind..... ah ya, its all their fault.
here's a parting thought: Ive read your crap and found 5 other readers with barron frames ( all happy ). again, readers. do the math..... I think i'll pass this along to the boys at RBC and see what they do. I know my LAW, I think if they wanted to they could bring a defamation suit on you. Id be first in line to back 'em they make a KICK ASS PRODUCT.
do yourself a favor. ditch your blog. the world doesnt need another idiot showing off his stupidity...
the best part is your building it in your friends livingroom.
very ghetto fab
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