Alrighty kiddies, here is the latest from the frame guy. As was not mentioned in the earlier post he apparently has trouble getting Fed-Ex to send trucks out to his place in the boondocks. So, he has been taking them by pick up truck load to the local Fed-Ex Kinko's and they put them on trucks as space allows.(I know I know lift your feet or gets your boots on)And once they get them loaded they email him tracking numbers, and by the time he sorts them out you have your frame. Well that is the never never land I am stuck in now. Today I was told by frame went with the last batch to Fed-Ex Kinkos earlier this week and I should look for it early next week. So I will give that until Wednesday before the next bullshit...errr...errr I mean update call. I may try to locate the Fed-Ex Kinkos nearest him and see if there is anyway I can verify it.
Until then if I had my frame it would, in theory, look something like this....
Which in turn, if I had said frame, would, in theory, look like something like this as a roller.....
And here, in theory, is a picture of my frame builder if I had one....

And finally here, in theory, is what my frame builder would look like delivering my frame, in theory, if I had one...
JACK ASS SEND ME MY FRAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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