Saturday, February 28, 2009
Donation Cessation
For everyone that has donated I have something special for you when this is over. Thanks again I really appreciate it!
Order of progression
The it will be handlebars and foot controls. Then the wiring. And maybe on last poll to decide on a seat style. But my reach to the bars will be the biggest factor in deciding the seat. Then the wiring. And someone please in the next 30 to 45 days remind me about the kickstand. I swear this thing will come back from paint and I will have it all together with 5 minutes to spare before leaving for work and I will put my foot down and start fishing for a kickstand that isn't there. I just can't for the life of me remember to find and order a kickstand!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Todays Update

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Watch Repair Anyone?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Two ups for screw ups!

Monday, February 23, 2009
A quicky for King Richard
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thank You!
But now if you all will excuse me I have had a incredibly, itchy throat since Wednesday and I am going to see if I can't get the toilet brush down there and give it a good scratching!
Da Tank!

It has a flush mount hotmatch pop up gas cap installed and they go for $60 apiece by themselves. The tank looks like it was made for my frame, I hope they come through!
Poll Complete!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Nothing New!
Then its hand controls foot controls handlebars gas tank and electrical and we are done with mock - up! Oh and a kick stand I keep forgetting that. Oops and the starter, kind of hard to start with no kicker and no starter! Anyway the point it we are getting there. New prediction is we will be out for paint before April 1! Second new prediction is I am going to paint it myself I still can' figure out why though!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Oh what the heck!
And Just Because I Can!
Thank You and have a hap hap happy day!
Todays Progress
Is it just me or is the room shrinking?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Stink Wheel Keeps On Turning!
The only downside is sometime today in the 2 hrs I managed to sleep Debo ate the chrome valve stem that was tapped to the rim. That's going to smell funky going down the road if I can find it on the other side!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Voices

Have You Ever...
Just a quicky
Joke of the Whenever...
Two cowboys are sitting in a restaurant when a female at a nearby table begins to choke. The first cowboy stands up, goes over to the woman lifts her skirt and runs his tongue down the crack of her ass. The girl is so surprised she spits out the offending piece of food. As the cowboy strolls back to his table his buddy says, " Wow I've heard of the hindlick maneuver, but aint never seen it done before!".
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Victory Is Mine Bitches!!!!!!!!!!
The side view shows how low it is going to set on the ground. The axle is about 2 inches up in the front forks which are about 8 inches higher than the frame. You add 10.5 inches for the wheel and about 1.5 inches for the tire, that's 12 inches minus the 8 and the bottom frame rails are 4 inches off the ground. That's Low!
And one more just because I made it my bitch!
At Dawn Battle Commences
Besides that this keyboard space bar is about shot and it is making me very homicidal right now! Sleep tight everyone, wish me luck in the morning!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
First of 3 batches
And the UPS tracking info for the front tire states its on time with a delivery date of Tuesday, but its already in Jacksonville. So I am hoping for Monday but it really doesn't matter. I am just glad American Classic Motors shipped the next day like they promised this time and not 12 days later.
Things are really going to start moving as long as these bearing cups don't give me a bunch of grief. The rest of the front end will be rolling in between Monday and Wednesday and then whatta ya know its payday again! WooHoo more parts!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Fender Poll
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fishing for pit bulls
More work related bullshit

It's game on baby!
Also any day now my axle should be in. It has only been six days since I ordered it but it seems longer. Maybe because I only have one more hurdle to overcome and that is changing the final drive to a chain. Not sure how to space it all up and switch the tranny pulley to a sprocket.But other than that I will dare to say I can see light at the end of the tunnel and I am getting pretty excited!
The basic things left are the rear fender mount. Front fender. The starter. The dreaded electrical system. A seat and some bars. Then tear down and paint! Oops forgot forward foot controls and hand controls. But not a big deal. The next payday will get the rear brake and final drive ironed out. The one after that will get almost everything else but the electrical and seat!
God bless overtime!
Today I also ordered the front wheel, an 80 spoke beauty w/stainless steel spokes, to match the rear and I ordered the rotor and the rotor mounting hardware. I also found a buyer for my pistol so tomorrow I will order the caliper assembly the tube and rim strip and the tire, as well as the starter. The tire took a 25 dollar price jump in the new Jireh catalog. It went from $75 to $100.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Clingmans Dome Info For Tommy

At 6,643 feet, Clingmans Dome is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is the highest point in Tennessee, and the third highest mountain east of the Mississippi. Only Mt. Mitchell (6,684 feet) and Mt. Craig (6,647), both located in Mt. Mitchell State Park in western North Carolina, rise higher. The observation tower on the summit of Clingmans Dome offers spectacular 360° views of the Smokies and beyond for visitors willing to climb the steep half-mile walk to the tower at the top.
On clear days views expand over a 100 miles. Unfortunately, air pollution often limits viewing distances to under 20 miles.
Clouds, precipitation, and cold temperatures are common at Clingmans Dome. Temperatures at the dome can be 10 -20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than in the surrounding lowlands. In fact, the cool, wet conditions on Clingmans Dome's summit make the spruce-fir forest that grows there a coniferous rainforest. Proper preparation is essential for a good visit. Dress in layers and be sure to bring a jacket, even in summer.
Although Clingmans Dome is open year-round, the road leading to it is closed from December 1 through March 31, and whenever weather conditions require.
It's seven miles to the end of Clingmans Dome Road and there are scenic pullouts with endless views of ridges and valleys along the way. The road ends in a large parking area from which a 0.5 mile trail leads to the summit. The trail is paved but steep, and leads to an observation tower on top.
Sorry for the Lapse!
And a little eye candy to keep the spirits up.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Front End
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Leather Has Left the Building!
So we can get the rear wheel squared away and then get the rear fender lined up and mounted.

Donate now and help offset my boundless stupidity!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New Survey Time
Both have plenty of room for someone to ride bitch if need be. The short fender still leaves me with the problem of tail light and license platemounting. However, it's a shame to hide all that beautiful meat! If ya got it flaunt it! Don't pay any attention to the bottom of the fender it will be cut to the needed length either way.
Vote Now! Tell your friends! Donate now too!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The tire is almost here!
Finally someone who really does ship next business day instead of just claiming to!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Me Likey!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
To small to hold me!
Don't think you can get out of coming here by going there. It's just the opposite! There exists to bring people here!